
Sensible Woo ✨ Your friendly neighborhood business witch

Past Life Meditation Time ✨Sensible Woo

Hey Reader,

Here's your table of contents this week! Something catching your eye? Scroll to the section that matches the name in bold...

  • Intro section: This week's theme is... The magic of tidying up! It's taken me a solid month but I'm finally starting to get out from my business backlog! I'll share some aha moments if you have been in a similar boat paddling alongside me...
  • Tip of the Week: This week's video features the first of two major Akashic meditations that I'm publishing to my YouTube channel, starting with a past life exploration. This is one the most popular requests I get in Akashic clearings and it's something you can do on your own to start uncovering your money blocks.
  • Attention Worthy: You may have seen me testing the waters with Voxer coaching before the holidays in 2023... this week I have an opt-in form for you! The new offer will be released in February and it will come in one month or quarterly packages at *affordable* rates. Scroll down to read my opinionated thoughts on the lost value of "high ticket" coaching programs.
  • Offerings: I'm sharing the free PDF listener guide for my podcast again so that you can get more from it in less time! Big hint: This formula works for any & all podcasts that you want to catch up on. The best way to become a better content creator in your own business is by consuming other people's content. Learn how to do it without losing your marbles and I'll help you master the skill.
  • This Week's Reading: Your free reading this week is inspired by recent events and patterns in the world including repairs from a deep freeze, Oscar award snubs, and ice dancers calling it quits (for now). I swear it all goes together and it's pretty f*ing deep. 😜

I'm trying a bunch of new things... Including a new weekly newsletter magazine format that you'll see hopefully by next week!

And one of the things I'm doing is rebooting my old blog pages on my website. Ooohhh those of you who have been with me since my School of Moxie blog days are going to be rubbing your hands together on this one! Check out this week's thoughts on the magic of tidying up when you click here.

If you've ever wanted to watch someone update and rebuild pathways to their content & offers... BIG HINT: I'm doing it right now before your very eyes. 😉 Click the links and watch how this polishes up over the next couple of weeks. It's a great way to see the not-instant-reality of making progressive changes in your marketing materials.

Shaking the cosmic dust off...
~McG ✨

tip of the week

One of the most popular requests I get in Akashic clearings is to investigate past lives and to use it as a vehicle for clearing money blocks.

If you've been wanting an Akashic money clearing with me, I've recently made the decision to only offer them after someone has done 90 days of verbal processing with me in the new Voxer coaching container.

I noticed a pattern in the clearings that I did with clients in the second half of 2023... none of us can craftily bypass the human work of being human. Everyone needs more processing time. Period.

In the meantime, you can do this guided meditation to start scratching that past life itch and when you're ready for solving yourself as a system, you can opt-in here. 🤗

video preview

👉 Here's what I am inviting you to take action on this week:

  1. What is your biggest takeaway from this episode? Practice finding the words to describe what you've been experiencing and put it in the comments on this video.
  2. Subscribe to my channel so you don't miss more of this... bonus points for sharing with friends. 💕

attention worthy

I'm cheating a little here this week... I'm still building the page for you to fully sign up for Voxer coaching with me, but in the meantime, you can opt-in for the early bird rates!

New around here? Never heard of Voxer? It's an app that allows us to talk to each other asynchronously and it's incredibly powerful for finding the words to accurately describe what is happening in your business and to process your feelings and thoughts into a connected whole.

If you've been hanging out here in my newsletters for a while, you'll know that before the holiday season of 2023, I did some beta testing and learned that my Voxer coaching offer needs to be offered in monthly packages. I also have a quarterly package coming for you!

After coaching in group programs, and running one of my own for multiple years (in various formats and lengths), I've come to discover an important need for every individual. That there are no group settings that can satisfy or replace the need for 1-on-1 verbal processing time. In more recent times, I've also discovered that Zoom fatigue is not leaving us anytime soon and there is great comfort in being able to talk with someone without having to be seen on a camera.

So I have a fresh container that is almost ready for you! It gives you 24/7/365 access to me. You can talk to me literally anytime. I will respond to you at least once per day M-F. Simple. Easy.

And... *affordable* because I'm on a mission 2024 to bring back reasonable pricing to my offers in a world where "high ticket" has lost its value. Why pay $10k or more for glorified office hours and an discussion forum on Slack or Facebook? If you do peer-masterminding it's honestly the blind leading the blind because usually none of you have solved the problem you're all experiencing together.

You need someone who is on the outside, but doesn't cost you the equivalent of college tuition, to hold safe space while you make changes and improvements. And who can tell you when you need to hear what you need to hear.

I've led hundreds of hours of Q&A calls in communities and the one thing I know is that most people need a private space with the patience of talking it out until they find their words. If this caught your attention then you'll want to click the button below... 👇


In case you missed our podcast binge listen week, I've got great news for you! You can listen at *any time*... I know, the magic of the interwebs has no limits. 🤓

I've got a fantastic PDF handout for your podcast binging pleasure and the YouTube video from last week will walk you through it if you need extra-extra.

Yes, we want to binge listen season one of my podcast! But we also want to feel a lot less overwhelmed by all of the other podcasts out there, too, right?? Right!

This guide will help you do just that.

  1. Download the PDF through the link, below.
  2. Share the link with your friends.
  3. Listen together.
  4. Reflect on the questions or themes that speak to you the most.
  5. Wash, rinse, repeat with anyone else's podcast out there!

Yeah, it's kinda sorta that easy... You're going to get so much more out of your content this year. Start by practicing with The School of Moxie Podcast!

this week's message

Click or tap the image to get this week's free reading...

Ready for more?

Upgrade and go deeper for $19/month, sent every Sunday to your inbox.

Sensible Woo ✨ Your friendly neighborhood business witch

🔮 Business is full of magic! 📬 Subscribe for aha-moments, chuckles, & Tarot time... sent weekly!

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